Sunday, October 10, 2010

Working Exercise Into Your Day

Do you take the time to work exercise into your daily routine? If you are like me, a good part of your day is spent sitting at a desk, and meals are often just to keep you going. I don't often watch what I eat, even though I make sure the kids get balanced meals.

For a short period of time last year I made a commitment to exercising twice a day, and the results were wonderful! I had more energy, my clothes were getting looser and I just felt better all the way around. Then I got sick, and I stopped. It's past time to get back on track and get healthy! I know, you don't have time to exercise. That's what I said too. But you do have time. A good friend of mine is very dedicated to working out, and has in fact lost a ton of weight because of her commitment. And she is one of the busiest people I know! She is always going, and always has time in her day to do one more thing when you need her. If I had half of her energy, I believe I could accomplish it all with time left over!

The best advice she ever gave me was to start slow, just commit to 5 minutes twice a day. So that's what I did, and before I knew it, I was doing 15 minutes twice a day. Then I started getting on the stationary bike twice a day for 15 minutes plus using the cardio fit once a day as well. And you don't need equipment to get started. There are many sites with free exercise videos available and if you have a service like netflix, they have videos on instant view that cover every type of work out.

Today my challenge to you, and to myself, is to commit to just a few minutes a day. Get up, get your heart rate up and work up a sweat. It will be tough in the beginning, but soon the benefits will ensure that you want to continue exercising each day!


  1. Great advice! Exercise is just like everything else good in our lives. It's a habit! Once cultivated, the benefits are tremendous. #blogboost

  2. You are very right, Martha. They say it only takes 21 days to form a habit, so you can form a habit of physical fitness in less than a month. And you will reap the benefits for many years!
